Thursday, August 25, 2011


  Have you ever been on the go so much that you are not sure if you are coming or going?  I have been this way for a while.  I am a mom,wife and student, and all these jobs are a full time in it's self.  Being a mom is very tiring and rewarding at the same time.  Your job is never done if you are a parent.  There are many hats you wear as parent and they all seem to be stacked one upon the other.  A full time wife is a never ending job also, but we will not go into all that with cooking and cleaning etc.  Now I am a full time student at Maconstate.  I love going to school, it has been over 25 years since I have been in school so I see that so many things have changed.  Though I have never attended college before I still see many changes.  My studies keep me very busy and sometimes, well a lot of the time, I there is no me time.  That is part of being an adult, you have to do what it takes to make everything work out.  I love my jobs, though they are many and they keep me tired.  Hope everyone has a great week. Stay safe.

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