Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Let me start by saying I do enjoy going to school, Maconstate to be exact.  When you are young and still in grammer, middle or high school most of the time kids can not wait to get out of school and just get on with their lives.  Most of them do not even think of going to college to further their education.  The ones that do, go for many more years depending on what they are majoring in.  Getting a college education will help everyone to get a career that they want to better their lives.  Though it means more school it will be productive to go.  The job market now days is very hard.  Employers are looking for college graduates to fill positions that they have open, not just someone right out of highschool.  If you want to own and run your own business, then a college degree is what you need to make the most of your business.  So put your mind to getting what you need in college so that you will be the successful person you want to be.  Hope everyone has a good day.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


  Have you ever been on the go so much that you are not sure if you are coming or going?  I have been this way for a while.  I am a mom,wife and student, and all these jobs are a full time in it's self.  Being a mom is very tiring and rewarding at the same time.  Your job is never done if you are a parent.  There are many hats you wear as parent and they all seem to be stacked one upon the other.  A full time wife is a never ending job also, but we will not go into all that with cooking and cleaning etc.  Now I am a full time student at Maconstate.  I love going to school, it has been over 25 years since I have been in school so I see that so many things have changed.  Though I have never attended college before I still see many changes.  My studies keep me very busy and sometimes, well a lot of the time, I there is no me time.  That is part of being an adult, you have to do what it takes to make everything work out.  I love my jobs, though they are many and they keep me tired.  Hope everyone has a great week. Stay safe.